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Understanding Cyberbullying Tactics

It’s essential to recognize and take action against cyberbullying, which happens online and can harm children emotionally. Some common cyberbullying tactics include:

  • Mean, and hurtful comments or rumors posted online.
  • Threats of harm or encouraging self-harm.
  • Sharing mean or embarrassing pictures or videos.
  • Pretending to be someone else to spread false information.
  • Spreading hate based on race, religion, or personal traits.
  • Creating hurtful webpages about someone.
  • “Doxing,” where private information is exposed online.
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Examples of Cyberbullying Tactics:

  • Nude Photo Sharing: After a breakup, a boy shared an intimate photo of his ex-girlfriend, leading to hurtful messages from others.
  • Lies and False Accusations: A group accused a girl of reporting them and harassed her through texts and social media.
  • Economic Harassment: Students mocked a classmate’s clothes and sneakers, causing him embarrassment and school avoidance.
  • Fake Identity Profile: A classmate created a fake account, gained personal information, and used it to bully a girl.
  • Encouraging Self-Harm: A boy with disabilities faced harsh comments and death threats online and via text.
  • Bullying Due to Sexual Orientation: A gay teenager received death threats and hateful messages.
  • Jealousy Bullying: Girls harassed a classmate dating a popular boy, spreading hateful messages.
  • Doxing Over Online Gaming: Disagreement in a gaming forum led to someone sharing personal information, resulting in threats.

Recognizing these tactics and taking positive actions can reduce the harmful impact of cyberbullying, which can have long-term mental health effects for all involved.

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